Justice K: From Yale Benchwarmer to "Warming" Leftist Lunatic Heartthrobs

The progressive pestilence probably will be party to super-spreader combination of enduring COVID-19 confinement and coast-to-coast "righteous" riots as we eventually endure demonic #Dimorat "Borking" demonstrations again after assassination attempt on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Many observers, particularly those with functioning brains, believe basketball-connected survivor Kavanaugh - a first-in-his-class student from first-class family - doesn't deserve to be run out of steakhouse restaurant by progressive puke. Apparently sidetracked by latest round of "collusion" involving Donald Trump, why hasn't DOJ enforced a federal law prohibiting intimidation of Supreme Court Justices? Is AG Merrick Garland sitting on his hands on that and thoroughly investigating hideous Hunter as retribution for those on other side of aisle previously rejecting him as a nominee or participating in offering bounty for location of conservatives?

Orange-man impeachment-obsessed dissenters, the woke-manipulating "mob" from left ignited by New York Slimes' contrived commentary, tried to portray Kavanaugh as old/white/man equivalent of Bill Cosby wannabee or Otis Campbell, the town drunk in fictitious Mayberry, N.C., on TV sitcom The Andy Griffith Show including dopey Obie director Ron Howard. In summation, to what extent did athletic participation possibly supply Yale graduate Kavanaugh with the guile and tenacity to Bull-doggedly compete against obscene opponents such as creepy porn lawyer #Avenaughty and multiple smear-merchant #Dimorat presidential candidates? Do self-anointed geniuses from press pestilence at CNN and MSNBC, irrationally demanding donning of masks as if we all were Muslim women needing hijabs, still "feel" #Avenaughty should have run for POTUS? Will anal anchors call NYC's tattle-tale line if someone disagrees?

Taking their defamation cue from uncivil #ShrillaryRotten, myopic #MaxMaxine, "prayerful"/spark-of-divinity (of criminal illegal aliens)/punch-drunk (for the children) #NannyPathetic, evolving chameleon Cursin' Kirsten Gillibrand, socialist legislative genius/gaffe machine/DNC dues deadbeat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, PTSD-afflicted Omar, Dominican Republic villa-loving Robert Menendez and fake squaw Lie-alotta (Elizabeth Warren), libnut panels decried former President Trump apologizing to Justice K. But Kavanaugh boasts more honor and integrity in his appendage "pesky" Jimmy Kimmel wants severed than #Hollyweird, #MessMedia, Yale law school graduate #SickWillie, #Demonrats on Senate Judiciary Committee and pink-cap protestor puke collectively accrue. While wondering how much more Liz and Bernie can give us, it was too bad #TheDonald couldn't tell majority of leftist mob that "You're Fired!" before public-shaming scumbags shifted their ire to Kanye West when rapper/evangelist wandered off their polluted plantation or anyone disputed hoax assembled by incandescent imbeciles linked to Fusion GPS.

Dr. Fraudci's orchestrated testimony completely devoid of corroborative evidence (a/k/a credibility) and acceptance of GoFundMe donations ($647,610) appealed only to progressive blockade manned by ships of fools including ACLU bestowing Courage Award upon her. How many card-carrying members of the faith-demonizing fourth-rate estate have utilized basic tenets of journalism (Who? What? When? Why? Where?) to "judge" her Christine-come-lately assertions of incidents occurring decades ago? Is afraid-of-flying "Blaze" a political activist-turned-actress who knew nothing about polygraphs? While Kavanaugh's adorable 10-year-old daughter prayed for forlorn accuser violated principally by her purported proponents from whom unlicensed psychologist sought anonymity, 10 truly deplorable #Demonrat swamp-creature vermin on Committee preyed on the youngster's fine family.

Facts are Kavanaugh's college days included playing for JV squad and genesis of his extra-judicial writing stems from serving as a wordsmith for Yale Daily News sports department. Then-sports editor Dan Levy said Kavanaugh's drafts were dry, but thorough, and editors "were very happy to have someone reliable covering a big sport like basketball (in 1985-86)." He is certainly more familiar with thoroughness and reliability than Yale political-elite failures and media misfits Chris "CNN Fredo" Cuomo, Professor Pamela "Brain Barren" Karlan, Amy Klobuchar, Paul "Computer Hacked" Krugman and Ben "Elevator" Sasse. What phony Midwestern values did Klobuchar exhibit treating her staff when she finally saw writing on the wall and exited presidential race?

Disoriented from inhaling too much of Eric "The Grate" Swalwell's farting after him eating too much Chinese food post-excursions with Chinese "Check-her-out" spy, it's too bad today's lame-stream press puke covering big stories is so unreliable as journalistic jackals and anal analysts across the country looked under every rock, yearbook blurb and piece of ice for anything negative to brutalize Kavanaugh and his family. The "ene-media" bile encouraged rage and revenge over Justice K, who may need to switch benevolence gears and offer brain-cell injections to the witless (misguided media and putrid politicians) rather than serving meals to the homeless. Why hasn't Yale grad Bob Woodward defended his alma mater's honor by setting the record straight on Kavanaugh via authoring more award-winning investigative prose? Wordsmith Woodward must be in the woods wired for wispy words from wicked Yale Law School grad #ShrillaryRotten, the Marine wannabe ass who grotesquely assassinated character of Army veteran Tulsi Gabbard by claiming Major in National Guard is a Russian asset. California man accused of attempting to murder Kavanaugh left a paper trail of internet "assassin skills" research before showing up outside the judge's Maryland home.

At the conclusion of 1985-86 season, Tom Brennan departed Yale to eventually become Vermont's all-time winningest coach. In Kavanaugh's final post for the Daily News, he noted the mentor "left amidst a storm of controversy that included team disunity and doubts about his coaching ability." Justice K endured excessive disunity and doubts from Super Sleuth #Swinestein, fake soldier Blumenthal, Leaker Leahy, Turban "Fake White House Meetings" Durbin, Groper Booker with fake Newark friend T-Bone serving as Jiminy Cricket-like chip on his shoulder and #SanFranFreakshow's laughing hyena Kamala "What Can Sugar Daddy Willie Brown Do For Me?" Harris. It wouldn't be surprising if Kavanaugh's latest calendar includes a similar "Sinator" assessment and that he "left (hearing) questioning amidst a storm of controversy including Committee disunity and doubts about George Soros-loving Democrats' mental stability (especially Yale graduates Blumenthal and Booker; neither of whom bright enough to discern who left brown tread marks in their underwear during a Spartacus moment)." Meanwhile, haughty henchwoman Hirono is so obsessed with sexual assault that perhaps she can divulge which of her colleagues benefitted from Congressional slush fund.

In college, Kavanaugh described a Bulldogs' defeat against DIII Clark MA as "one of worst showings in years" and "embarrassing." Coupled with another non-DI opponent defeat against Trinity CT, Yale hoops seemed as inept as Justice K-hating media flushing due process down the toilet. "I do remember he was a happy kid, a nice kid," Brennan told Yahoo Sports after keeping him off the Elis' varsity bench. "You'd have thought he was a freshman at Auburn, not Yale. He was happy all the time. All those (Yale) people had furrowed brows. I didn't meet many happy people at Yale." The unhappy throng probably resembles unseemly leftist exploitation of children and aging actress (Hanoi Jane) during climate-change protests (including nixing Thanksgiving) plus Tweet stupidity of meddlesome Mitt "Pierre Delecto" Romney with his Mormon special underwear on a mite too tight.

Chris Dudley, a three-time All-Ivy League first-team selection, said he regularly drank with Kavanaugh but "never, ever saw him blacked out" drunk. Dudley's description deviates from teammate Charles "Chad" Ludington, a seldom-used forward (1.1 ppg from 1983-84 through 1986-87) who said he often drank with Kavanaugh and that the ex-beat man "has not told the truth."

In a he-said/he-said standoff, do you believe Dudley or Ludington? In typical "unbiased" fashion, USA Today devoted more than 12 times as many words in one article to Ludington's view than to Dudley's stance. USA Today probably feels it deserves an award for objectivity because the negative-to-positive ratio of stories on Kavanaugh across the country was 15:1. How long before USA Today and #BSLSD possibly editorialize that remaining "vulnerable" left-leaning ladies Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomoyor (first Hispanic and Latina Justice received J.D. from Yale Law School) deserve extra Supreme Court security because Justice K is near them with ice in his veins, solo-cup drinks and male basketball tales? Ludington's perspective portrayed Kavanaugh in such a negative light that the Justice seemed to be worthy of becoming hazing member of Kentucky's cheerleading squad.

Since Ludington is also from left-infested academia (associate professor of history at North Carolina State), odds are he uses vulnerable adolescent-sounding voice to try to win friends and influence enemies (with aversion to evaluating genuine evidence). Amid all of the wild speculation, perhaps Ludington still bears a grudge that Kavanaugh didn't author a story clamoring for him to get more playing time. Seems as if Ludington, who said he couldn't sleep for days, should don some googly eyes glasses and be a mite more closer-to-home concerned about NCSU, the most penalized ACC school in NCAA history, never again duplicating recruiting scholars such as Jim Valvano's most sought-after prospect (Chris Washburn of 470 SAT score fame), versatile Charles Shackleford credited with claim he could shoot with either hand because he was "amphibious" or illicit sneaker-related payment this decade to lure Dennis Smith Jr. to try to revive David Thompson glory years. Let's hope Ludington didn't have former Wolfpack frontcourter J.J. Hickson use a knife as a Southern student preparing vittles in "A Global History of American Food" course years before Hickson was charged with armed robbery while reportedly wielding knife in home invasion in the Atlanta metropolitan area.

DC Swamp-based USA Today, with its print edition understandably on life support, also carried a disgusting sports column about whether Kavanaugh should continue coaching a girls' basketball team, outrageously adding pedophilia angle to sorry saga. USELESS Today, leaning as far left as church-taxing Beto the Bozo and rooftop-dancing bartender AOC, probably thinks desperate columnist Kirsten Powers, former flame of disgraced Demonrat Congressman Anthony Weiner, should be giving dating tips to Kavanaugh-coached hoops squad and perhaps fellow lefty lunatic/#NannyPathetic Left Coast Fav Katie "Throuple" Hill (D-Calif.). Powers' fascination with #CarlosDanger exhibited as much wisdom as Beto's juvenile fantasy about confiscating guns with tough-guy approach comparable to hack(er)'s short story gunning car engine running over children. His "a-dolt" short story or song for grunge band likely is fantasizing about running over Christians in general with "courageous" Mayor Pete as sidekick.

What's next amid Yale grad John "Lurch" Kerry's climate-change claptrap and Yale students protesting free speech? Will USELESS Today blame Kavanaugh for Dudley's dismal free-throw shooting (51.2% with Yale; 45.8% in 16-year NBA career) and torturing his girls' basketball team 10 weekends by having Dudley serve as their charity-stripe instructor if they didn't join him in his Catholic Charities' volunteer work? This is a vital inquiry; especially when taking bags of ice to high school and college students might be at stake to help revive them from hangovers and excessive flatulence or headache stress connected to intense FBI interviews for anyone with a pulse and tall tale to tell and sell to the left. Exhibit A for juvenile foul shooting from the "petty parody" hip is Supreme stupidity exhibited by Congressman Adam Schiff-ty during his Russian collusion pranking as nauseous as any underhanded intimidation conducted by pathetic progressives coupled with compromised bug-eyed "Sack of Schiff" cowardly and falsely claiming his committee did not speak in advance to a biased hearsay whistle-blower.

After the "Swet-hog" venom partially orchestrated by creepy porn lawyer Anal Avenatti, while also working himself to the bone(r) for stripper Stormy, dried up when exposed to purifying light, Kavanaugh prevailed because he is more strong-willed and infinitely smarter than unhinged leftists impaired by cow farting. Justice K's supreme traits take you to the top of your class and pinnacle of your profession. As a result, right-thinking individuals are now positioned to drink "American Stout" beer and throw elephant-shaped confetti plus perhaps idealistic ice to celebrate Justice K's backbone enduring this abuse. Meanwhile, smear-merchant foes can cry in their loser lager figuring out how to pay #TheDonald's legal fees after #Avenaughty's firm was evicted and shake in their bellicose boots about someone eventually connecting the dots on what the Obama Administration NSA Susan "Dirty" Rice meant about "do everything by the book." Is that the same blow-hard book (Wanna bet if it contains name of Ukraine-call CIA-connected alleged Yalie corridor gossip boasting Russian Studies major and/or his coup-obsessed attorney?) let alone internet video Rice misled nation about as then UN Ambassador in 2012 when weighing in on Sunday talk shows about terrorist attack on diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya? Perhaps Kavanaugh didn't write enough glowing articles about Rice's brother when guard was a Yale undergraduate. Did #DirtyRice, becoming more unglued as a probe into the handling of the Russia investigation rose to level of criminal inquiry, also call Kavanaugh "a piece of s_it" like #Demonrat chronic liar despicably proclaimed about Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC)? It's a small world after all! John Rice, sibling of Netflix member of board of directors (cashing in by tagging along with Obamas), was runner-up for the Elis in scoring, assists, steals and FG% as a senior in 1987-88. Compare the female job performances as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. of ruthless "unmasking" Dirty Rice and Samantha Power (another Yale grad) to the dignity demonstrated by Nikki Haley. No word whether the Obamas and Rice approved of Netflix's child-exploiting "Cuties" movie, which was clearly a piece of spit.

Inebriated or not, the ceremonial lead prosecutor of press protocol should fire myriad of #MessMedia members failing to "blow whistle" on Hunter Biledumb, who received law degree from Kavanaugh's old stomping grounds (Yale). Right campus; wrong guy probed since Arkansas woman/GWU student's claim that DNA testing confirmed he fathered her baby. Does creepy Grandpa know name of granddaughter as well as he knows more than a dozen of hideous Hunter's suspect overseas business associates? Discharged from the Navy Reserve in 2014 after testing positive for cocaine, the petty Plagiarist's ne'er-do-well son with no background in private equity or energy magically became Ukrainian gas production "expert" worth $83,333 a month. Beneficiary of credit-card booty at least boasted the resources to carry on romantic relationship with his sister-in-law while ex-wife claimed in court filing during divorce proceedings he was "spending extravagantly on his own interests including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations." By the way, did lapdog offspring leave his "corrupted" laptop at computer repair shop before or after latest lap-dance? Hair-sniffing Joe "You're Full of Spit" Biden, during his 36 years of braggadocio in the Senate, contributed to crafting anti-drug legislation among the strictest during the 1980s and 1990s. But drug reform advocates contend his own children (including daughter Ashley) were able to circumvent brunt of these laws due to double standard favoring white and wealthy featuring kiddos exhibiting expertise principally in sniffing white powder. We should listen to Biledumb and his "Binder Babe" press secretary as much as he and cover girl "Dr." Jill hug seventh grandchild (cute girl Navy from rural Arkansas). Perhaps the First Couple will attempt to patch things up with her by putting little one in charge of one of numerous shell corporations shielding funds via off-shore accounts.

In regard to exposing naked truth, self-revered Regular Joe regularly indulged in skinny-dipping in his pool according to skinny on him from female Secret Service agents who found his behavior "offensive" as described in book The First Family Detail. Let's hope hairy-legged Quid Pro Quo Joe's hands-on approach issuing boastful answers to bright/articulate/clean "right questions" concerning any Con(stitutional) corruption don't reek again of plagiarism like Lying Liz lifting "crabby" recipe in Pow Wow Chow cookbook. Getting in line behind Canadian Prime Minister for an Obama endorsement while his finger-licking-good puppeteer spouse props him up similar to a marionette, buffoonish Biden should keep "entertaining" the nation with Tara Reede abuse explanations, super predator racial-jungle dialogue and resurrecting "The Big Guy's" disconcerting bathhouse dialogue/softball town-hall questions with CNN haughty host Anderson Pooper around the same period an authentic whistle-blower turned the tables via inside job on the shameless "Most Distrusted Name in News." Will anyone among #MessMedia focus on how in hell miserly #HidenBiden "earned" $11 million in 2017 if not in business with his offensive offspring or his pathetic performances as Judiciary Committee chairman of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas hearings before Ginsburg was appointed to Supreme Court about a quarter century before #AudacityofHype inquired about aging Ginsburg departing early to install a younger leftist Justice? "C'mon man!"