Hands Off, Don't Loot: Get Grades/Get Job/Get Tired/Get Good Night's Sleep
The charlatan, a farce to be reckoned with, won't show up for funerals of TV journalists and policemen after their assassinations. But as Rev. Sharpnado, creator of the Tawana Brawley hoax among countless other frauds, descends upon another shakedown town devouring donations via mentally-stimulating intimidation tactics, it's time to commemorate the one-year chaos in a blunt Donald Trump-like fashion. Showing law enforcement how we can all get along, did Top Cop Eric the Dread pass out free cigarillos to his puppet peeps and urban dour-boys celebrating the street-cred birth of first orchestrating outcome in a St. Louis suburb? Based on his checkered selective-outrage track record, our nation of cowards can't rest easy because "color-brave" ex-Attorney General Eric Holder put the cart before horse. Upon being dispatched by a community-organizing sociopath, they immersed themselves in the Michael Brown shooting death in Ferguson, Mo., including ordering an additional autopsy probably because the first one didn't measure up to their audience's #BlackLiesMatter preconceived shot-in-the-back execution narrative.
Perhaps we would have been spared if only the wizards from Starbucks tackled race relations years ago or if African-Americans held their community to a standard at least a fraction of what they expect from law enforcement. Deeply-personal, raced-obsessed Holder, receiving support from the golfer-in-chief and fellow JV leftists comparable to humiliated Huma (Shrillary Rotten II) standing by perverted Carlos Danger after the weiner's he-man online dialogue with a progressive activist from the Midwest, showed as much legal expertise on a wide variety of issues as he did as a Columbia hooper (missing all four field-goal attempts for the Lions' 1969-70 freshman squad). Scrawny surrogate Huma was too busy to provide authorities requested documents while helping/humanizing Hellary as the anointed one exhibits her brilliance battling a fax machine and wiping a server (with cloth or BleachBit).
While seeking reparations from NFL for foisting flag-hating QB Colon Krapernick's spirals upon our senses, the political prowess certainly doesn't end with Clinton's claptrap worthy of inclusion in MTV series Jackass. Led by completely inept scripted rush-to-judgment Gov. Jay Nixon (Dem.), a lynch mob-like Saturday afternoon travesty of a press conference in a church chock full of apostates exhibited decorum akin to an inmate shouting match/battle of wits featuring energized hooked-on-ebonics scholars in a federal penitentiary. Then, Nixon displayed the ultimate dereliction of duty when unavailable for consultation with Ferguson's mayor in the aftermath of the county prosecutor's no-indictment announcement. In the wake of having the National Guard stand down as Ferguson businesses burned, this was another Nixon who should be impeached/recalled. Equally disgusting to Nixon's inaction was New York's mayor siding with protestors more than policemen before a couple of NYPD police families were left fatherless by assassinations the week before Christmas.
Just as With(Holder) stepped down from his lofty position, the rioting and violence erupted in Baltimore amid flailing leadership of mayor and incompetent local prosecutor Marilyn Mosby. We saw a comparable tired act in the Trayvon Martin shooting and subsequently got a similar fairytale from journalistic lemons such as aptly-named Don "Bite Me" Lemon of CNN (Contemptible News Network promoting departure of local police chief) playing judge and jury by portraying Brown on his way to Grandma's house in the hood as if he was Gentle Ben Walking Hood trying to avoid the wolf in sheep's clothes (unprincipled and ill-informed parroting pap about perpetually pestilent police targeted for pinata pelting). Many in the media such as NBC dim bulb Lisa Bloom, virtually provoking a nasty response at nearly every turn, were as naive as state highway patrol official Ron Johnson planning for peace more than savagery and five members of best-and-brightest St. Louis Rams' receiving corps boasting collective knowledge comparable to the rioters' ruins. Hope the NFL pass catchers study their routes in playbook more than they did in generating passing grades amplifying on ample evidence in the Ferguson case.
Apparently incapable of comprehending the difference between a road and sidewalk or just needing a wider swath, Brown lumbered through middle of the street following his heavyweight pre-fight intimidation tactics involving a convenience-store dwarf. Even if Fundraiser Extraordinaire Barry is in one of his 57 states too busy on a golf course to join them or assemble a strategy to combat ISIS while the thugs conduct a pool party at U.S. embassy in Libya, it won't be long before ignorance-is-bliss mental midgets will march in middle of night seeking to have the public right-of-way named after the deceased to honor his larger-than-life contributions in Mr. Brown's Neighborhood. In the meantime, know-it-all petty politicians supporting Shrillary such as Dimorat Air Claire McCaskill, spotlighting side issues and exacerbating tensions, try to rev up the intellectually-challenged base with baseless insinuations of voting restrictions. The answer is pretty clear when it comes to Holder, Lemon, Obama and Sharpton, but how much do "Blue Lives Matter" to misguided Missouri politicos Nixon and McCaskill?
Dwyane Wade and his former hypersensitive Miami Heat teammates discerned how to don hoodies in their self-appointed roles as victimization humanitarians but he couldn't explain the Martin verdict declaring George Zimmerman not guilty. "What do I tell my kids?" Wade tweeted, opening a lane for a mocking layup. Wade, rather than brushing up on facts concerning the Zimmerman case, exploited his sons as hoodie-donning props on an Ebony magazine cover. No word if another cerebral cover shot was contemplated by Wade when his cousin was murdered transporting her infant baby in stroller down sidewalk in certifiably-chaotic Chicago just weeks after signing with the Bulls. In conjunction with ambulance-chasing attorney Benjamin Crump's college-bound crumbs to enhance "racial spoils" budding settlement value, similar celebrities predictably racially soiled the scene in the Brown case. King (LeBron) James, Wade's former teammate with Miami, turned up the heat without citing many pertinent facts as he has enough to do trying to steer the Cleveland Cavaliers in the right direction; let alone the entire country. Meanwhile, Brown's grieving family reportedly brawled over cashing in on the selling of "what-can-Brown-do-to-you" merchandise such as T-shirts and went on swagger-speaking circuit, giving torturous justice speeches before forums such as U.N. in Switzerland and Democrap Convention in Philadelphia, mixed in with step-dad weighing in via incendiary "burn this bitch down" remarks after announcement there would be no indictment. Of course, we're supposed to believe the deceased never was exposed to any mob-like mentality.
Isn't it about time to exhibit a mite more integrity than duplicating the zero-credibility leadership stemming from Big Brother Barack, disgusting Dr. Huxtable, Washington's Marion Barry and Baltimore's battery of bozos? "Leaders" could have emphasized cooperation with, not condemnation of, cops in an effort to possibly start upgrading community standards. Instead, the double-digit IQ crowd seeking to add a third digit after midnight is convinced it's the fault of the untrustworthy police, yadda, yadda, yadda, via another myth-making template about a prowling renegade bigoted white cop with no disciplinary history extemporaneously seeking to gun down Gentle Ben in cold blood or failing to treat drug dealer Freddie Gray with kid gloves. His Earness, ESPN's NCAA playoff prognosticator, certainly implied as much "justice" with funeral representation and pandering pap to the otherwise "numbers-don't-lie" daytime audience for the sports cable network while most of America is working (and paying for their free goodies and "40 or so" FBI-agent invasion plus biased far-left ideologue DOJ flaks overdosing on secular-progressive politics "racing" to probe a single death).
Whether or not they are purchased or stolen, it won't be long before denials will surface about Swisher Sweets being sliced open and swapping all or a portion of tobacco with marijuana for a gentle high or bullish rush. The quality of the players for some schools might be more like Holder than Wade, but college basketball would benefit enormously if there was an influx of sanity stemming from enforcing more common-sense roster control and higher academic standards. After all, "black lies matter." Turning the "national-conversation" heat high while unsure of the quality of classes Wade took under coach Tom Crean at Marquette, following are dos and don'ts (a/k/a "affirmative action") do-gooder Dwyane and other minority fathers (if they're around) should tell their sons so they wade in wise, not wayward, waters by adhering to a series of elusive community-healing guidelines:
Don't show any confidence in an elitist mess media reporting the news fully, accurately and fairly if an incident doesn't fit their liberal narrative (see sexy domestic terrorist Rolling Stone cover as classic example plus phantom Virginia fraternity rape). It's time to step up to the plate and offer more adroit commentary than MSLSD misfit Joyless Reid, who continuously offers so much misguided drivel it seems she must be the trans-racial lovechild of Joy Behar and Harry Reid. Also, maybe we missed the politically-correct police memo, but is it now OK to deploy the word "boy" with such regularity or is it reserved solely for excuse-filled leftists similar to other intemperate terms? Similarly, why is the great-and-wonderful POTUS able to throw around the "N" word?
Unlike having majority of Jackie Robinson West players outside Little League boundaries, pull your pants up and do the right thing like the courageous IT director even if you get fired by a fluffy Florida state attorney for sharing all of the trial evidence. Tell the whole truth unlike the putrid press, dishonorable state attorney who filed a misleading affidavit in the Martin case and changing-story Brown accomplice/scholar with checkered past propped up by his attorney/ex-St. Louis mayor. Naturally, one-sided CNN and MSLSD, the Ebola of journalism, don't tell the whole truth by at least acknowledging the honorable mayor's suspect legal expertise. The lame-stream media doesn't give a "smidgeon" of an effort to try to tell a balanced entire story and it's left up to a citizen journalist to try to unearth juvenile record. Simply support a proper cause more than petulant POTUS does the Middle East Christian carnage although his administration seems fond of a Charlie Chaplin convention or golf course banter while Syrians are gassed and kidnapped reporters beheaded by murderous Muslims.
Don't impair your education by conducting yourself in such a manner you get kicked out of your home and/or school. Remember: Only about half of black males graduate from high school. In your academic pursuits, don't fall for POTUS pap such as the hoopster-in-chief claiming that raising the debt ceiling does not increase the nation's debt or ObamaCare is a first-rate online venture. Rather than lamely explaining away the fact a disproportionate number of lawbreakers are angelic young black males, provide a cogent response why resembling some repulsive rapper from the wrong side of the hood might make you look like a real or wannabee "knockout" criminal. For instance, former New Jersey/Brooklyn Nets minority owner Jay Z said dealing drugs helped shape his business skills long before inspiring our nation by becoming comrade cozy in Communist Cuba with wife Beyoncé for their anniversary vacation before reportedly bail bankrolling protestors in Ferguson and Baltimore. Set your rapt on correcting the gap between graduation ratios for white and black athletes.
Do become an authentic "national action" leader such as Congressman Allen West (FL), Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, economist Thomas Sowell, Senator Tim Scott (SC), Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke and Dr. Ben Carson while rejecting the predictable pandering poison from retread race-baiting hustlers, aspiring to be relevant through their all-dark rainbow prism, directed at the low-information sheep mob prior to passing their donations cap. You need a "lifetime of resistance" from affiliating with half-baked reverends wallowing in the grievance industry of shakedown selective civil rights such as their sainthood of aging Anita Hill. Rather than resembling CNN's Van Jones, MSLSD's hyphenated weekend agitator and knucklehead Spike Lee doing more harm to blacks than David Duke and George Wallace combined by always playing the "battered race syndrome" card from the bottom of a decadent deck, it might be a mite more prudent to focus on paying your taxes, explaining to your son how to handle campaign money and mistress plus encouraging your level-headed daughter not to sue a municipality for $5 million stemming from a sprained ankle caused by less-than-level street before she hiked up a mountain in Bali on vacation.
Don't be a parasite smoking weed and getting involved with drugs unless it helps prevent you from becoming a nanny-state social engineer fantasizing in the "could've-been-me" world of dismissive and derisive phony scandals. Let me be clear! Phony is telling glaring untruths from the "bullying" pulpit about retaining your existing healthcare or standing in front of caskets and hiding behind a hyped video while meandering to get to the bottom of patriotic, not languishing, Americans being murdered and belittling folks who deserve straight answers. Lacking credibility and courage, you're also a chip-on-your-shoulder phony who will always be left behind like a slug if you can't exercise deductive reasoning and comprehend straight-answer facts staring smear merchants flush in their anti-police, high-tech lynching faces.
Do steer clear of street thuggery attacks and the low-pants Gangsta culture in every way. Spend more time like blustery Big O keeping an inventory of how items such as jewelry, not Skittles or cigarillos, came in your possession. Then you might be able to concentrate on "a spiritual union" with a partner (Mr. Oprah) or keep a keen watch on the "racist" Swiss. The devastation of fatherless boys caused by liberal welfare policies is a factor in the Centers for Disease Control reporting that young black men are 14 times more likely to commit murder than young white men. Here is how you can "improve relations" with cops. Don't commit a crime! Help cops rid your neighborhood of gang members and castigate liberal politicians obsessed with nonsensical revenue-generating ploys to enhance their budgets.
Don't use the creepy term "Cracka" (offensive to Wheat Thins) when describing a Hispanic; let alone a wily White-Spanic or full-fledged caustic Caucasian. Although you might have a female friend claiming you "wanted to be a basketball player," that dialogue similar to homegrown ISIS fighter Douglas McCain won't get you a passing grade in Trash Talking 101. Let your standards resonate a mite higher than rolling the dice like an AAU team from Atlanta donning "I AM TRAYVON" shirts before and after games in a Las Vegas tournament or the grandstanding Alabama State marching band spelling out his name for some sort of symbolic gesture at halftime of a football game. Liberalism truly is a mental illness. Please get an injection of brain cells! You can do better than this drivel! Let's see if Alabama State's bereaved band can spell the name of any "Cracka" victim stemming from the Navy Yard rampage in the District of Columbia or executed NYPD officer.
Do be sufficiently discriminating not to be a peer-pressure slave to liberal racism resulting in 90% of tunnel-vision blacks going exclusively one way. A conservative "thinker" can't breathe among the dumb mass of voters. Compare the percentage of blacks who voted for McCain/Romney in the last two presidential elections to percentage of whites who voted for Obama and then be honest with yourself asking who immerses themselves in tarnished practice of bigoted racial profiling to deal with never-forgotten white privilege. An I-have-a-dream struggle does continue trying to overcome prejudiced one-way voting expression. Enhance your independent-thinking credibility by making sure you develop enough remedial initiative to secure simplistic voter ID to exhibit such dynamic diversity. If the biased balloting ceased, the emancipation could be profiled online at www.blackpeoplefeat.com rather than wasting energy stalking Paula Deen. With respect to stark percentages, check out the Department of Justice's annual Victimization Report showing blacks committing more than half of the violent crimes against whites while whites commit only a few percent of the violent crimes against blacks. Among the 20 to 25 cities with the highest murder rates annually, the overwhelming majority are governed by Democrats. If an IQ test with a minimum allowable score were given before one could vote, the Democratic Party would cease to exist.
Don't become "a terrible husband" like many promiscuous NBA players or infatuated with 72 virgins via Islamic martyrdom no matter how many condoms you can freely secure from a public school to mingle with a two-bit twerker. After all, "A Father First" divorce settlement in the "War on Women" can cost you in excess of $5 million. Records are made to be broken but don't secure a spot on the dead-beat "BabyDaddies" team of multiple illegitimate children with irresponsible Kenny Anderson, Willie Anderson, Jason Caffey, Dwight Howard, Larry Johnson, Shawn Kemp, Calvin Murphy, Clifford Rozier, Latrell Sprewell, Royce White, etc. The Sperminators squad would be coached by Scott Skiles. Moreover, don't be as shamelessly reality-show shallow as Lamar Odom, a Heat teammate in 2003-04 when Wade was a rookie, and marry, however briefly, a no-talent Left Coast celebrity only a month after meeting her Kardashian can and/or clan. There is also something to be said for not duplicating the entitlement rudeness of hip-hop "artist" Kanye West when interrupting singer Taylor Swift's awards acceptance speech or exhibiting a mite more class than Seattle Seahawks defensive back Roger Sherman following a Super Bowl-bound victory. It seems Kanye should swiftly work on his own craft.
Do show respect for the opposite sex and sanctity of life by not contributing to more than 70% unwed mothers in the black community. Examine why FBI crime statistics show blacks raping several thousand white women annually while white-on-black rapes number between "0.0" and "sample based on 10 or fewer" (see Chapter 11 of "Mugged"). And if you say you're pro-little guy (such as highly-motivated work force seeking to double wages in their "career" at McDonalds); then "choose" to support the ultimate little guy (baby in a womb). If not black-on-black crime, where are the marches to curtail the barbaric ISIS-like Planned Murderhood genocide of nearly 1,900 black baby abortions per day? A precise definition of blind-eye targeting is when 13% of the nation's population look like the serial-killer nurse from Houston undergoing 35% of all abhorrent abortions. How low can we sink as a society if the remainder of the country ever becomes like New York City where more black babies are killed by abortion than are born there? Incredibly, the New York Slimes was hailed by lib-nut bloodthirsty bloggers when Wade's teammate, Udonis Haslem, and his wife were depicted as courageous for challenging the "persistent abortion stigma that's deeply ingrained in our society." Upon following NFL tight end Ben Watson's leadership and rectifying "redlining" atrocity of Planned Murder in the Hood, then you can credibly lecture everyone about black lives matter.
Don't besmirch Charles Barkley for failing to toe the solidarity line and don't associate extensively with "We Be New School People" who can't read cursive or speak English properly (eloquent to MSLSD's not-so-sharp ton of tampon-earring misfits who believe children belong to communities rather than households, pundits ill-equipped to handle prankster and "clever" editing). Unless, of course, you've undergone sensitivity training and helping someone with a genuine learning disability (whether or not they're a homophobic perjurer). Naturally, embrace a father figure with more integrity than "I Spy" credentials giving an entirely new connotation for reasons to spike women's drinks.
Do stand your moral ground following these ethical principles so your personal responsibility will significantly decrease the odds you'll end up with a suspect legacy like slain boy scouts Martin and Brown or the chronic whiners exploiting tragedy on dopey ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, liberal mouthpiece MSLSD (Mentally Stunted Landfill of Shameless Dolts) and NPR (National Puke Radio). Always "doing stupid stuff," many of the so-called experts should be featured among the lunatic lineup of MSLSD's weekend "Lockup" brain trust. They are not only a disgrace to their own "kind," but also a disgrace to humankind by supporting an arsonist. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt such as "retraining white brains and souls."
Wade was superior at playing on both ends of the court until knee problems left him incapable of being a lockup defender and he just exerted effort primarily on one side (offensively); symbolic of the African-American political effort when it comes to sizing up the entirety of an issue. Thus he could play both sides of the lecture fence comparable to lunatic liberal activists condemning demented Demorat sexual escapades after the same enablers staunchly defended Sick Willie, the self-styled first black POTUS, for similar political-theatre bozo behavior. At the very least, any perceived problem could be blamed by genuine racial rodeo clowns on George Dubya, global warming, the Australian catcher for East Central (Okla.) murdered by human debris when shot in the back by hate-crime valueless scum while jogging or the white student "justifiably" assaulted on a Florida bus by three black teens for alleged drug ratting. Hopefully, Wade's World won't also take up the mantle of the "stop snitchin'" movement reminiscent of Syracuse All-American Carmelo Anthony, who appeared to do just that in an underground DVD circulated in his hometown of Baltimore in 2004 encouraging those individuals questioned by the police to refuse to "snitch" on drug dealers and other criminals. It's the equivalent of failing to allow anyone to openly display any support for the Ferguson police officer.
Never let facts get in the way of a get-me-on-TV protest. It's a byproduct of failing to read bills before voting on them and failing to review evidence in crime cases prior to weighing in on them with alleged expertise. Encumbered by loathsome leftist leaders, we see low-life decay from sea (fatally shooting baby in a stroller in coastal GA, 14-year-old murdering his MA math teacher with a box cutter and slaughtering civilians at a Navy complex in nation's capitol) to dying sea (beating WWII veteran to death with flashlight in Washington state after he survived Okinawa). The so-called leaders with a deficit in character content 50 years removed from MLK mooch off vet Shorty's sacrifice but probably never would mention him unless it was for gun-control purposes if he had tried to defend his "welfare" with a weapon. There is infinitely more evidence of a longstanding absence of authentic leaders in and for communities such as Ferguson across the nation than anything nefarious about Officer Darren Wilson's career actions.
Where are the facts-challenged arrogant activists when it comes to excessive black-on-black crime? Are the black thrill killers in Oklahoma, Beltway snipers, Virginia TV journalist executioner, DC mansion torturer/murderer or hammering Bosnian man to death in St. Louis also going to be portrayed as possible bored sons of POTUS as he "takes us to darker places"? Would Aaron Alexis, Brown, Vester Flanagan, Gray, Christopher Harper-Mercer, Micah Johnson, Gavin Long, Lee Boyd Malvo, Martin, Jesse Matthew, Shannon Miles, Alton Nolten and Daron Wint have been in a healthier state of mind if they simply drank more water, ate more organic food and participated regularly in "Let's Move" exercises? Did wise Wade or any of the race-card charlatans show solidarity with a Melbourne mom by having him and his sons don a catcher's mask for a magazine cover shot or express condolences to families of cops assassinated by human debris or math flash cards supporting the young MA math teacher or Naval gear honoring the D.C. deceased? Integrity questions to ponder after shedding authentic "Be Like Mike" mementos and trying to learn how to put on a "Hands Off, Don't Loot" hoodie (not made from white sheets contrary to rumors stemming from legal meal-ticket vultures descending upon Brown household like repugnant Rev. Sharpnado and his never-ending defining-moment ilk).
Finally, here's a novel all-lives-matter thought modifying a genuine culture of corruption: How about not protesting a modest late-night curfew by simply getting a good night's sleep to either function better the next day as a student or parent or employee? Unless, of course, none of those objectives mean as much to you as a contrived definition of assassinating character after a "Mikey Beats Anything" (especially pint-sized store owner and cop) surveillance video clearly defines an individual exhibiting his authentic "character." Following the crowd like trained animals, the carcasses of integrity and intellect were left abandoned in the stereotypical shallow streets by so many victimization sellouts much longer than any 4 1/2 hours in plain view. It's really not that difficult and can be summarized somewhere between 4 1/2 seconds and 4 1/2 minutes. In regard to college hoops although the one-sided sports media won't acknowledge it, coaches should discard efforts to be a hipster rubbing shoulders with "respectable" rappers to reel in regal recruits and simply preach these time-tested basics: Get grades! Get job! Get tired! Get to bed! Can I hear an Amen regarding four easy steps to changing a hell-hole culture? These basics are remedial rules Mr. Brown, Mr. Gray and their pigs-in-a-blanket belligerent boosters fail to comprehend as freak-show protesters listen to their respective parents less than did the slain stoned-before-noon sons. Shouldn't there be infinitely more investment of time, energy, emotion and devotion to supporting nine-year-old murder victim Jamyla Bolden, who was truly innocent?